Freemans home shopping catalogue
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All the latest offers from Freemans
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Freemans catalogue
Freemans is a Mail Order business which first started trading in 1905 and made it’s name by selling made-to-measure suits for less than 30 shillings (£1.50 in today’s money). Initially there was a 200 page, black-and-white catalogue and by 1922 colour pictures began to appear on a regular basis. By 1950 Freemans range had expanded to fill a full-colour, 1,000 plus page catalogue. Today Freemans Freemans produces two main catalogues each year plus a range of smaller publications
Freemans has gained a reputuation for being the most fashionable of the UK home shopping catalogues and as a result appeals to younger people more than any other catalogue. Freemans offers the latest fashion from a large range of top brands at affordable prices for the whole family.